The 3DR-Art Studio is a San Diego based company that specializes in visual aids in the form of 3D images/renderings. Our mission is to provide top quality images at a fraction of the cost. We can provide these services due to our highly talented artists who aim to get it right the first time around. We want you to benefit from the quality of our work in assisting you in your projects and marketing. Our services are used by an array of professionals ranging from architects to developers and real estate agents.
Our newest development at the 3DR-Art studio has been the implementation of drone technology, designed in-house, for use in aerial surveying, giving us the advantage of being able to have a more accurate perspective on the current status of a given site. These new tools allow us to scan, map, and build 3D models much more efficiently and further improve our presentation quality. It also allows us to implement 3D models directly onto the captured videos and/or images and for the first time achieve Hollywood-like special effect quality for a fraction of the time and money. For more information on aerial equipment visit our sister web site www.AltitudeCAM.com